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Uncomfortable dentures? Do your Dentures spend more time in your pocket than in your mouth? It may be time to visit Quality Dentures of Fredericksburg and get your dentures relined! This procedure is usually done in office in about 45 minutes to an hour out of either hard reline, or permanent soft reline material that is used restored or enhance the fit of your existing dentures. There are two types of in office relines.
The first is the hard reline. This type provides a durable hard acrylic lining to improve fit and comfort and could last up to five years. The second type of in office reline is a soft reline. Generally, this type lasts for one to two years but in many cases significantly aids in comfort and fit.
Some patients are highly sensitive and are unable to wear ordinary dentures because of tender gums or sore spots for these patients soft relines can be a great option. Both types of relines will improve fit and comfort but will not alter the appearance of your denture nor give you a better bite.
Lab processed relines can also be done in some circumstances where we remove a layer of acrylic from the dentures interior surface, and then take an impression inside the denture which conforms to the contours of your mouth creating an accurate impression. The denture is sent to the lab where new acrylic is processed into the inside of the denture.
Get those dentures back in your mouth where they belong and wear them with comfort and confidence again. Schedule a Free Consult Today!!!
Contact Information
5100 Southpoint Pkwy,
Fredericksburg, VA 22407. - (540) 848-1248
Hours of Operation
Tuesdays after 3:30 pm by appointment only.
12-Month Deferred Interest with Care Credit