Common Mistakes People Make With Dentures

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Losing a tooth or two can be a scary situation for many of us. There are a variety of reasons why people lose their teeth. It could be because of an accident, an underlying medical condition or just as simple as poor oral dental care resulting in the buildup of cavities or tooth decay. However, you don’t have to lose hope because the advancement of technology today can give you solutions to your dental problems. If you recently lost a tooth or several teeth, wearing dentures may be perfect for you.

Are dentures safe to use?

Yes, they are. In fact, you can keep your mouth healthy and wear your dentures for longer if you know how to take care of them. It is also crucial to be aware of the common mistakes people make with dentures so that you can avoid them. So, what are these mistakes? 

  • You stop brushing

Although your teeth are not real, it doesn’t mean they don’t need to be brushed. In fact, they need more dental care than ever. Dental hygiene, whether you are wearing dentures or not, is extremely important. You should brush your tongue, gums and remaining original teeth as well as your dentures at least twice a day. This will prevent you from experiencing irritation when wearing your dentures.

  • You are required to brush your dentures hard

Your dentures need cleaning too. However, do not be too harsh on it. Be gentle on dentures as they are softer than your real teeth. If you brush too hard, you might scratch your dentures, or worse, break them. 

  • It’s okay to drink wine, coffee and tea

Your dentures can get stained too from excessive drinking of coffee or red wine. Also, never smoke with your dentures on. If you noticed your dentures get stained, do not bleach it. It can weaken the dentures. It is best to seek help from your dentist for the proper ways to remove stains.

  • You don’t need to see your dentist

Just because you think your dental health is fine and you have dentures doesn’t mean you are not required to visit your dentist on a regular basis. You still need some checkup for your dental health and your dentures may need adjustment every now and then. Remember, dentures may become loose or get damaged, so they need to be replaced over time.

If you avoid making these denture mistakes, you can enjoy wearing them for a long time and at the same time; you don’t have to deal with dental health problems anymore. Dentures or not, it is important that you take care of your dental health to avoid certain problems that may cause you serious dental issues that can greatly affect your overall health as well as your confidence. Take care of your dentures today to avoid these mistakes at all costs.